Has it Been A Good Year For Property?

Has it been a good year for property?

I can not see a lot of confidence in the market, yet prices are rising ? 

Perhaps we are at an equilibrium where we will see a more balanced market going forward? 

Interesting thought, Are we more motivated by making money or does the fear of losing money outweigh our greed?

In my opinion the main problem with any investment at the moment is affordability. Whilst inflation may be under 3% overall, do some research on essential services and see what high inflation is about.

You cannot rip an extra $5000 -$10,000 out of the average families cash flow and expect no flow on effect.

What is the easiest thing you can do to keep in the black,easy forget about the future and stop saving or investing- you need a house to live in, a car to drive, clothes, gas, electricity TODAY, not in 10, 15 or 20 years.

So if you are short on money after losing so much on extra essential services charges what do you think you will give up to make up for it?

Of course, your future financial goals are first on the list. They don't come around to cut the power off if you don't pay unlike your power provider.

Hence it is pretty hard to save your way to Financial Freedom living in a society where boundaries move and you have absolutely no control.

Obviously, this scenario is nothing new, 20 years ago it was oil and petrol, prior to that building materials etc, there will never be a perfect storm in an economy with natural disasters, financial crashes and market cycling happening everyday.

Savvy investors are usually people who make well researched decisions based on reliable modelling, whilst you can never totally remove risk you can plan for it. A plan that takes into account the what if's and provides a strategy that is based on worst case scenario integrated with good risk management and reporting is the most safest, secure and predictable way to success.

Whilst it may take a little longer your journey is going to be so much more relaxed and enjoyable.

If you are struggling to get ahead financially and feel that you are caught up in a scenario where you have the least amount control over your money then perhaps you may need to consider making an effort to stop being reactive and become proactive.

A simple phone consultation can often save our clients over half their term in mortgage payments and still have more cash flow coming in than previously.

It really depends on your circumstances and what you want to achieve, not everyone wants to buy and own investment properties or shares, however you need to find something to reduce the amount of interest and tax you will pay in your lifetime if you want any chance of financial freedom and don't want to be be another million dollar sucker paying your banks CEO's yacht off for them.

Book a Free Consultation during September using our Online Appointment Scheduler & Reminder System and Receive a $50.00 SHELL Fuel CARD as a Free Reward to pay for next weeks fuel bill.even better it may change your life....


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